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Annual Conference Educational Enhancements

  • Sunday, April 29, 2018
  • 8:00 AM
  • Wednesday, May 02, 2018
  • 12:00 PM
  • Marriott Minneapolis City Center -- Minneapolis, MN


  • Moderator: Deborah Cameron
    Presenter: Katie Wilson
    This interactive workshop will review the styles of a variety of world leaders and walk your through the development of your own leadership belief statement. New essentials for leaders will be discussed as you explore trends reshaping leadership in today's society.
  • Moderator: Theresa Stretch
    Presenter: ICN
    Session will provide insight on how to handle difficult people in training, activity creation, and how to develop training material to present content.
  • Moderator: Scott Heckert
    Presenter(s): Darren Frymoyer; Kenneth Simcox; Brian Hofmeier, Robin Bowman, Dorothy Cole, Barbara Harrell
    Information for bidding, buying and selling to NSLP & Breakfast programs
  • Moderator: Nichelle Harris
    Presenter(s): Jose Quinones; Lena Wilson, Christina Riley
    Session describes the ACDA, its structure, its history, and goals and covers the benefits that members can expect from the association.
  • Moderator: Shelly Robinson
    Presenter(s): Lori Ramos, Stephanie Bruce, Stephanie Ewing, Lynnelle Grumbles
    This session will provide a step by step process on the required components of a bid document.
  • Moderator: Nichelle Harris
    Presenter(s): Jose Quinones; Lena Wilson, Christina Riley
    Session describes the ACDA, its structure, its history, and goals and covers the benefits that members can expect from the association.
  • Presenter(s): ACDA Executive Board (Chris Facha, Angelice Lowe, Michael Birkmeyer, Lena Wilson, Andrea Denning)
    Please join us for this informational session on the work conducted to chart ACDA's strategic plan for the next 3 years, including a re-alignment of our governance structure.
  • Presenter(s): PrimeroEdge (Jon Andrews and Cheyenne Meyer)
    When it comes to mastering the art of forecasting in your child nutrition operations, your program’s menus are the most important building blocks. Discover the complete life cycle of effective forecasting, from menu planning to production to inventory.
  • Presenter(s): Fidelis (Brian Donnellan)
    Join us as we review the latest functionality that ProcessorLink offers School District users, as well as other users who have access to the School District view. This spring, Fidelis is deploying a new version of ProcessorLink that encompasses new and enhanced reports, modern navigation, and extensive end-user assistance. Come learn how to get the most out of this free tool, which will help your district maximize the value of its donated food diversions that are committed to any of our 46 subscribing manufacturers.
  • Presenter(s): Cliff Meyers and Brahm Malone
    This session will provide highlights of the new www.k12foodservice.com website.
  • Moderator: Nicole Lander
    Presenter(s): United Way
    This interactive session allows participants to get a different perspective of the people served by feeding programs.
  • Moderator: Gwen Holcomb
    Presenter(s): USDA
    Description: Hands on session for industry, state agencies, RA's to navigate the new FBG site and the new app.
    Requirements: Laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • Moderator: Rosie Krueger
    Presenter(s): Sarah English, Shenique Bridges (USDA)
    Make WBSCM work for you! Bring a laptop or tablet and learn how all the WBSCM reports can be customized as many ways as you need to run a successful program. Even experienced WBSCM users can learn something new.

    Requirements: Laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • Moderator: Gwen Holcomb
    Presenter(s): USDA
    Hands on session for industry, state agencies, RA's to navigate the new FBG site and the new app.
    Requirements: Laptop, tablet or smartphone

Registration is closed
We are pleased to offer several options to enhance your educational experience during the 2018 Annual Conference.

Pre-Registration is required for these sessions and several have participant limits. Register as soon as possible to guarantee a spot. Registration for the 2018 Annual Conference is required for complimentary participation in Educational Enhancements which occur before and during conference. You will not be allowed entry into these sessions unless you have pre-registered. 

Offerings include a range of 1 to 4-hour sessions to focus on key competencies that impact your work including hands-on training and a more thorough review and explanation of programs with more time for Q&A. 

Click here for a PDF listing of all offerings.

To register for more than 1 program:
- Click register
- Register for first program
- Complete registration for that offering
- Click 'New Registration' or go back to main page and select register (again) to and follow prompts to register for additional program.

Click here to visit our Annual Conference page. 

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