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The ACDA Board of Directors provides insight and industry knowledge from across the U.S. to help members stay up to date on best practices, trainings and resources in USDA Food Distribution Programs. They create programing that equips members with a foundational understanding of the USDA Food Distribution Programs in order to maximize federal entitlement dollars.

ACDA Board of Directors

Deborah Cameron, President

Child Nutrition USDA Foods Manager, Colorado Department of Human Services

(720) 413-3592

About the President

Deborah Cameron is the Child Nutrition USDA Foods Manager for the Colorado Department of Human Services. She has worked for the State of Colorado for the past nine years. Deborah started her career in child nutrition as an assistant kitchen worker with Aurora Public Schools and then became a kitchen manager. During that time, she received her bachelor's degree in applied social sciences at Colorado State University and completed her SNS credential through the School Nutrition Association. In her current role, Deborah administers USDA foods for the Child Nutrition Programs for the State of Colorado. Deborah is currently the president for the American Commodity Distribution Association (ACDA). She enjoys spending time with her adult children and watching her grandchildren grow. Her hobbies include quilting, gardening, traveling and spending a lot of time in the great outdoors.

Kyle Jordan, Immediate Past President

NSLP-USDA Foods Program Director, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

(850) 617-7175

About the Immediate Past President

Kyle Jordan has been with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services since 2012. His duties include program oversite of the USDA Foods for Schools Program as well as management of Florida’s state-contracted warehouse. Kyle received his bachelor’s degrees in history and political science from the State University of New York at Oswego as well as a master’s degree in public administration with concentrations in local government and emergency management from Florida State University. In his free time, Kyle enjoys traveling, collecting antique sports memorabilia and watching the Buffalo Bills.

Jaclyn Cantu, Vice President

Director of USDA Foods, Texas Department of Agriculture

(512) 475-0066

About the Vice President

Jaclyn Cantu is the director for USDA Foods with the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Food and Nutrition Division. Jackie has been with the agency for 17 years holding various positions. For the past eight years, Jackie has overseen the operations of USDA Foods for the National School Lunch Program, Summer Food Service Program, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program and Disaster Assistance. She received her bachelor’s degree in dietetics from Bowling Green State University and is a native of Ohio. Jackie moved to central Texas in 2003 to complete her dietetic internship at Texas State University and now lives in Austin, Texas.

Roxann Greenlee, Treasurer

Food Distribution and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant Programs Manager, Wyoming Department of Education

(307) 777-2579

About the Treasurer

Roxann Greenlee has worked for the Wyoming Department of Education since 2004 and has been the School Food Distribution Program Manager since 2007. She is a one-man band and does both the processing and USDA Foods. She also manages the USDA FFVP Grant and does the resource management section of the National School Lunch Program Administrative Review for all School Food Authorities. Roxann has worked on the ACDA conference planning committee in the past and was the Mountain Plains State Agency Representative.

Nicholas Barber, Secretary

OGS Food Distribution

(518) 474-5122

About the Secretary

Nick Barber is the Director of Food Distribution with the Office of General Services (OGS) for the State of New York. He has been in his role with the state since July of 2022. Previous to his state service, he had over 20 years’ experience in restaurants, colleges, nursing homes, hospitals and K-12. Nick oversees the warehousing and distribution of USDA Foods for The National School Lunch Program, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, Summer Food Service Program and Special Milk Program. He received his bachelor’s degree from Buffalo State College in Business Administration. In his free time, he enjoys hunting, fishing, coaching baseball and spending quality time with his family and two golden retrievers.

Area Representatives and Leadership

State Agency Representative

Tara Koster

North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

(701) 328-3210

Allied & Agricultural Representative

Andrew Marshall

Wholesaler-Distributor Relations and External Partnerships, International Fresh Produce Association

(202) 303-3407

Industry Representative

Mike Piazza

V.P of K12 Sales, S.A. Piazza & Assoc. LLC

(503) 657-3123 ext. 202

School District Recipient Agency Representative

Ken Simcox

Assistant Supervisor of Food and Nutrition Services, Washington County Public Schools, Maryland
(301) 766-2894

Associate Representative

Cliff Meyers

ClearVu School Services

(240) 285-0105

Community Feeding Representative

Dr. Katherine Byers

Government Relations Officer, Houston Food Bank


Communications Committee

The Communications Committee will develop and deliver to the membership new educational tools which are accessible to all membership categories. This committee is responsible for printed material, website and social media communications.

  • Alicia Arnett, Co-Chair

  • Jaime Malnar, Co-Chair

TEFAP and CSFP Committee

The TEFAP and CSFP Committee shall promote membership programs and educational programming geared toward organizations participating in the USDA TEFAP & CSFP programs.
  • Julia Lemp, Co-Chair
  • Gabrielle Viens, Co-Chair

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee works with the staff team to develop an annual budget and provide oversight on all financial reporting and investing for reporting to the ACDA board of directors.
  • Jim Copp, Co-Chair

Education Committee

The Education Committee develops and implements programs and activities which will provide ACDA members with the opportunity to achieve the level of knowledge and skill necessary to serve the public with competence and professionalism.

  • Shelly Robinson, Co-Chair

Public Policy Committee

The Public Policy Committee shall evaluate, interpret, recommend and respond to federal legislation and inform the membership of legislative issues that may affect the Association. It also develops legislative policy and position for consideration by the ACDA Executive Board and acts on behalf and at the direction of the Board on legislative matters.

  • Monica Deines-Henderson, Co-Chair

  • Carynn Long Earl, Co-Chair

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall promote membership within all eligible categories and encourage active participation in the Association.
  • Alicia Maloney, Co-Chair

  • Damasita Sanchez, Co-Chair

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall investigate the availability and qualifications of state/territory member representatives as nominees for elective offices and select qualified nominees for such office.
  • Kyle Jordan, Chair

Processing Committee

The Processing Committee shall develop and update uniform processing documents to make recommendations to the ACDA board of directors on processing issues and proposed regulations and act as a liaison between the various USDA offices involved with processing and the Association.

  • Carole Erb, Co-Chair

  • Brian Davis, Co-Chair

Conference Planning Committee

The Conference Planning Committee plans educational sessions and content for the annual ACDA conference.
  • Mike Birkmeyer, Co-Chair
  • Chris Baker, Co-Chair

    Past Presidents

    Learn about former presidents of the ACDA board of directors. 


    ACDA By-Laws


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