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Some Quick Highlights From the FY 24 USDA Budget Summary

  • Monday, March 13, 2023 8:04 PM
    Message # 13130414

    The full document can be found at https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2024-usda-budget-summary.pdf  More details will be provided in the coming days.

    Child Nutrition Programs

    The Budget funds the Child Nutrition Programs through new appropriations and prior year 

    balances, at a level that will support anticipated increases in participation and food cost inflation, 

    as well as implementation of the new legislation. The Budget projects serving 5.0 billion lunches 

    and snacks and 2.6 billion breakfasts in schools, 1.9 billion meals in child and adult care food 

    programs, and 182 million congregate and non-congregate meals through the Summer Food 

    Service Program. It requests the benefit and State administrative funding needed to serve children

    across all States with summer EBT benefits in summer 2024. 


    Requested increases for Child Nutrition Programs include funds to strengthen integrity controls in 

    CACFP, modernize food ordering and inventory management systems, and staffing to enhance 

    FNS’s ability to provide critical technical assistance and oversight of child nutrition programs, 

    including the implementation of the Summer EBT program and increased support for Farm to 



    The Budget also includes an important legislative proposal that would advance a pathway to free 

    school meals for an additional 9 million school children through increased take up of the 

    Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) among schools and States. This proposal is expected to 

    cost $234 million in 2024 and $15 billion over 10 years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, children 

    had access to free meals resulting from temporary flexibilities provided in FFCRA, and now many 

    States are seeking ways to continue offering free school meals for all students. Offering free meals 

    to all children reduces administrative burden, increases equitable access, reduces the stigma 

    associated with school meal participation, and allows school food service professionals to focus 

    on their core mission of providing nutritious meals to children. 



    Commodity Assistance Program (CAP)


    The Budget requests $517 million for CAP. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) 

    works to improve the health of low-income elderly persons at least 60 years of age by 

    supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods. The Budget includes a $51.4 million 

    increase for CSFP to ensure the program can continue to serve the full caseload. It also includes 

    an $8 million increase for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) administration, 

    bringing the request to the authorized level of $100 million.

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