Working Together to Nourish the Nation

Apply Now: Team Nutrition Grant Opportunity

  • Friday, March 24, 2023 9:24 AM
    Message # 13143627

    SNAP-Ed Connection News

    Graphic of woman in a classroom

    USDA has released a Request for Applications (RFA) for Fiscal Year 2023 Team Nutrition Grant Supporting Nutrition Education for School-Aged Children. States agencies that administer the National School Lunch Program and/or Child and Adult Care Food Program At-Risk Afterschool Meals and Outside School Hours Care Centers and School Food Authorities (SFA) may apply for up to $1 million each in grant funding.

    State agency and SFA grantees will facilitate the adoption of healthy eating patterns by school-aged children (grades Pre-K through 12) and their families through the coordination and implementation of MyPlate nutrition education connected to the nutritious meals and snacks offered through USDA Child Nutrition Programs.

    Don't miss these important dates: 

    • March 22, 2023: RFA Release on
    • April 5, 2023: Informational Webinar Register
    • April 24, 2023: Letter of Intent Due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time
    • May 22, 2023: Applications Due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time

    Learn more at 

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