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The New York Times Reviews What Has Been Happening with the School Lunch Program

  • Thursday, September 07, 2017 1:01 PM
    Message # 5068629
    Brandice Pelfrey (Administrator)

    There have been several stories regarding changes in sodium, whole grains, and milk standards, and this story summarizes what has taken place. Topics range from school meal standards to how to deal with unpaid meals.  It also suggests that Congress may undertake additional hearings on school meals this October.  The Senate Agriculture Committee has also now announced a hearing Thursday, September 14, entitled “Nutrition Programs: Perspectives for the 2018 Farm Bill”  on nutrition programs in the Farm Bill, but has not identified specific topics.  

    ACDA has ongoing interest in these meal standards and how they impact USDA Foods.  Even though it is not expected that the Child Nutrition Programs will be reauthorized this year, we need to stay engaged to be sure the views of ACDA’s members are known.  Household programs like TEFAP and  CSFP are certainly part of the Farm Bill, and any changes in the SNAP program may impact these other programs as well.  ACDA will continue to monitor developments to keep our membership informed, and to let you know if any action is needed.

    Check out the complete article here: 


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